Delivers the best results in the fight against bedbugs and all types of bugs.
• Water-based
• Ready-to-use spray
• Odorless
• Leaves no stains
• Alcohol-free
• Prevents reinfestation
• Non-corrosive
• Free of propellants
• Non-flammable
• Kills bedbugs, bugs, and their larvae
• Interrupts the infestation cycle – spray on beds, carpets, curtains, wardrobes, floors, cracks, and crevices. Also ideal for travel, spray on luggage and travel bags before and after trips.
Envira Bedbug Spray effectively eliminates bedbug infestations at the source, even in cases of acute infestation. It does not paralyze bedbugs immediately but first affects their nervous system, leading to their death within a few minutes. Envira Bedbug Spray is a unique bedbug protection solution worldwide, offering broad-spectrum action and excellent protection against bedbugs. It quickly kills bedbugs and all types of bugs and prevents reinfestation. With repeated use, the bedbug population will gradually decrease.
Envira Bedbug Spray can be effectively and easily used throughout households and commercial spaces to ensure bedbug-free mattresses, beds, guest rooms, upholstered furniture, carpets, and rugs. It is particularly useful in hotels, guesthouses, and holiday homes, with a tested effect against bedbugs and other bugs.
When used correctly, Envira Bedbug Spray provides long-lasting protection for up to 3 months. It is also suitable for animal resting areas (do not spray directly on the animal!). Even sensitive surfaces like leather, furniture, and carpets can be treated (test on an inconspicuous area before use).